A Walk in the Bush

Blue Flower

Blue Flower

The forest down here in Denmark is diverse and exceptional. Here are some photos I took during a couple of walks through the bush. Continue Reading

Home made Baked Beans

Home Made Baked Beans

Home Made Baked Beans

Just because you’re travelling and living a mobile life, doesn’t mean you should miss out on good food. Baked beans are ridiculously easy to make and once you’ve tried making your own, you won’t want to ever eat those bland sugary things you normally get premade in a can. You can add pretty much anything you like to jazz up your beans, bacon or prosciutto adds a meaty twist. Continue Reading

Types of Motor Home

Different Motor Homes

Different Motor Homes

Motor homes come in all shapes and sizes from large luxurious vehicles fitted out similar to an upmarket apartment, through to small vans with just the basics.

Choosing a motor home can be extremely difficult. It’s hard to know what you want to get for the long term, especially if you’re going to live in it full time, there are so many different aspect you need to weigh up. How many people are living in it, fuel usage, ease of maneuverability, what you can physically drive and manage, what you can afford, the list just goes on and on. Continue Reading

Wynella – A Living Museum

Wynella Museum

Wynella Museum

Many years ago my parents decided to try and capture the past, disillusioned with our modern disposable society they saw the beneficial aspects of a life style based on how things were back in 1910. They wanted to try and keep some of these things alive, not only keep them alive, but also share them with others, educate people about how things were done around 1910.

So before my fathers retirement they set about creating Wynella, they bought a period house built in 1914 from a small country town, had it transported down to Denmark, then set about restoring it to it’s original condition. Continue Reading


Christmas comes in many shapes and sizes for different people and this may be one of the last Christmases I spend with family in a while, who knows where I’ll be in twelve months time, I could be on the other side of the country. So this is Christmas in a 100 year old house that’s been set up as a museum called Wynella. (that’s a whole different story you can read about here)


Christmas Lunch at Wynella

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Some Images of the Bus

I figured I should post some images and explanations of the bus from the inside to give you an idea of what it’s like to live inside it on a day to day basis. Although comfortable and with most luxuries you might ever want, you must understand that everything is small, you have everything you could need, but generally it’s miniaturised. For example the seats in the main living area at the table has seating for four people, and seat belts for four as well, but compare the seats to my hat hanging on the back wall. And no, it’s not a sombrero.


The main living area

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There Are Worse Places To Be


Camped up in the bush

First stop on on my travels is Denmark, W.A., about 450km south of Perth. The trip down was long compared with driving a car, but reasonably trouble free. Part of the reason it took a while was because I needed to stop at a black water dump point. Pinjarra has a CMCA sponsored dump point in town opposite the local pub, they also have an area near the dump point where you can camp overnight, worth stopping if you’re going passed as there’s a huge grassed area with lots of shady trees. Continue Reading

Getting Ready To Leave


unnamed (3)

Ready to depart.

The Hino had been serviced, she had her brakes refurbished, new pads, new brake drums, new bearings, new exhaust system, new filters, new shockies, new diff seals, everything checked over ready for a trouble free trip, at least for a fair while anyway.

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Motor Home Toilets

Yep, the subject that many people don’t really like to talk about, the toilet. Now unless you’re going to spend your life going from caravan park to caravan park, you’ll probably need some form of toilet. OK, there are going to be plenty of people on here probably message me saying, but I haven’t had a toilet for years and I’ve got by. But for those days when it’s pouring with rain and you are miles from a toilet, or when you ate some food that hasn’t agreed with you and you really need to get to a toilet in a hurry? You’ll be glad that you have a toilet.  Here’s mine.


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The craziness of it all

Surely you have to be crazyTo anyone who has done it, I salute you, it’s not an easy thing to do. But like all things in life which often seem insurmountable at the time, once we work through them and out the other side we often look back in hindsight and find that they weren’t so hard or so bad after all, and certainly not so scary. It’s just fear of the unknown.

What am I talking about? The decision to turn your life upside down, to uproot yourself, declutter your life and hit the road with all of your possessions. Continue Reading