Photo collection

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A selection of photos I’ve taken over the past few weeks. All photos are untouched straight off the camera (click on them for larger images). Continue Reading

Munda Biddi Trail

The Munda Biddi Trail is a 1000km long mountain bike track from just outside Perth Western Australia, down to Albany on the south West of W.A. Munda Biddi means ‘forest path’ in Noongar language (local indigenous people) and it’s currently the longest such bike trail in the world.

A Flat gravel section in coastal area

A Flat gravel section in coastal area

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Buying local

Fresh veg here

Fresh veg here

We’ve all seen it before, the sign on the side of the road inviting you to come and buy some locally grown produce. Often in a days driving you’ll pass by signs offering a huge range of products, driving from where I am in Denmark across to Albany a distance of just over 50km I passed roadside stalls selling vegetables, assorted fruits, jams and preserves, eggs, honey, fresh flowers and olive oil. Continue Reading

Rubbish in a Motor Home

Rubbish is far more personal and in your face when you’re living in a motor home, especially when your doing a fair amount of free camping, you quickly find out exactly how much rubbish you produce when there are no large bins parked outside your door that get emptied every week.



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Fishing for food

Beautiful fishing spot

Beautiful fishing spot

Part of my plan while living in the motor home was to supplement my food supplies with freshly caught fish, it’s taken me a month to get my act together and actually go fishing, but what a beautiful place it was to fish.

This is the east end of Mazzoletti’s beach and I’ve been coming to this spot to fish for probably 30 years or more with mixed results in the fishing stakes, but it’s always a pleasant place to be. Continue Reading

A month out and still going

Well it’s been a month that I’ve been living in the motor home now, and so far life’s pretty good. If you’ve followed some of my other blog posts you’ll see that I’ve been doing some bush walks, taking photos and some cooking along the way. The Denmark fair was on over the weekend, that was busy and I bought a number of edible items, spicy plum sauce, cherry jam, cherry chutney and some raw handmade granola which looks so healthy it looks a bit like the forest floor I’ve been walking on lately.



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Stuffed Butternut Pumpkin

Stuffed butternut and a glass of cider

Stuffed butternut and a glass of cider

This is real comfort food and one of those simple meals that uses long life ingredients that are easy to store and take with you in a mobile home, and there are only a few ingredients in this dish, though you can jazz it up however you like with what ever you have on hand. Continue Reading

A Walk in the Bush

Blue Flower

Blue Flower

The forest down here in Denmark is diverse and exceptional. Here are some photos I took during a couple of walks through the bush. Continue Reading

Home made Baked Beans

Home Made Baked Beans

Home Made Baked Beans

Just because you’re travelling and living a mobile life, doesn’t mean you should miss out on good food. Baked beans are ridiculously easy to make and once you’ve tried making your own, you won’t want to ever eat those bland sugary things you normally get premade in a can. You can add pretty much anything you like to jazz up your beans, bacon or prosciutto adds a meaty twist. Continue Reading