Angry baby birds or bunnies

Every now and then I come across an orchid that may not be the most beautiful, but it triggers something in me, something that once I see it, well it just won’t go away. Say hello to the common white bunny orchid, Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus, or as I like to call it, the angry baby bird orchid.

Last time I did a close-up look at an unusual orchid it was the dragon orchids with their crazy cute little faces.

That post was “dragons with attitude“, this time it’s baby birds with attitude. Tell me this doesn’t look like a chubby little bird with it’s featherless wings up in the air and it’s wide beak open as it shouts and wails.

Angry baby bird


Head down, with wings about to bang down on the table.


Wings on head in complete disbelief

Ok, so that’s a couple of quick ones, how about a bit more variety? You’ve got to love genetic diversity.

Lots of angry baby birds

Well they all look similar, but then they all have differences, that’s the great thing about macro photography, when you get down and have a close look at these guys, they may be tiny, and from a distance they may all look the same, but they are all very different.

Even their fluffy little bellies are like individual fingerprints with their colour and fluffiness. Some are very colourful, some stripy, some dark, some light, some close cropped, others quite shaggy.

Fluffy bellies

Same with all the other parts of the flower, markings on their wings and the little covers over their heads as well as their beaks/mouths, all  the shapes colours and patterns vary.

And now here’s a selection of the crazy angry birds, sorry, common bunny orchids. This next one is strange, not sure whats going on with it.










And just so we remember what you might normally see while walking in the bush, this is them from a normal distance, close up and from different angles.

Who would have thought hey?   Try another angle.

Maybe this angle. 🙂

Here’s another example of the genetic diversity you can find, same orchid, but instead of white it has a lovely tinge of colour to it.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Orchid season 2022 begins – Have Home Will Travel July 1, 2022 at 7:06 am

    […] Yeah, Eriochilus dilatatus subspecies multiflorus is a catchy name isn’t it. These are the first orchids I get to see down here around the Denmark area. I thought they should be called angry bird orchids when you look closely at them, and I’ve made a post all about this if you’re interested. […]

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