
The craziness of it all

Surely you have to be crazyTo anyone who has done it, I salute you, it’s not an easy thing to do. But like all things in life which often seem insurmountable at the time, once we work through them and out the other side we often look back in hindsight and find that they weren’t so hard or so bad after all, and certainly not so scary. It’s just fear of the unknown.

What am I talking about? The decision to turn your life upside down, to uproot yourself, declutter your life and hit the road with all of your possessions.

At the time, like right at this moment for me, it seems insurmountable. I now have a little over 2 months to empty my 4 bedroom house and declutter myself and my life, down to a manageable amount if “things” I can take with me. This is made even more difficult by the fact that I’m unsure how much space I’ll have when I ultimately get on the road, because with 10 weeks to go I still don’t have myself a vehicle to travel in either. Still, that’s another topic in itself, for the moment I’m trying to get comfortable with the fact that in 10 weeks this house has to be empty for the new owners. And my life with then be, of no fixed abode.

I guess that’s the most scary bit, the part that’s hardest to come to terms with. I mean, we’ve all been away travelling, whether a holiday or a slightly longer period of travelling, perhaps backpacking for a few months or even a year or two. At the end of it all, when we’re finished with the adventure, we come back, we go home, we return to the nest, to where we feel comfortable. Of course home can mean many different things to different people, but generally you keep some form of base, something to come back to. Why on earth would someone decide to sell up and get rid of everything?

This is what I’ve been struggling with lately, well perhaps not struggling, I guess the simple fact of not knowing whats going to happen, what it’s going to be like, is the scary bit. But as I said initially, you have a deep seated understanding that ultimately you’ll look back on this down the track and wonder what you were worrying about. But that understanding often goes against your basic common sense, or at a bare minimum your sense of comfort.

Still, it’s all done now, the decisions have been made, the job has been chucked in, the house has been sold, settlement is just around the corner, the wheels are in motion and there’s no going back. Perhaps this is just as well, because it would be easy to decide against it, to figure it’s all a bit too difficult.


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