Every now and then I come across an orchid that may not be the most beautiful, but it triggers something in me, something that once I see it, well it just won’t go away. Say hello to the common white bunny orchid, Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus, or as I like to call it, the angry baby bird orchid.
No, not another troopy post! Well I haven’t done one in a while, and this post is long overdue. Yes I have a “thing” for troopies and this was going to be a post about converting a troopy into a camper after buying this lovely old girl you see above. Since selling my troopy poptop about a year ago I’ve had withdrawal symptoms. driving the sprinter van around is ok, but it’s a bit of a bus. Then one day while scanning online listings for troopcarriers I found the one above. One of those situations where the seller had listed almost no information and included only a couple of blurry photos.
This post is long overdue, not only have I built the van and lived in it, but I’ve also sold it and moved on yet never made a final walk through of the van showing and explaining the features of the final product. I’m calling it a product because I always rethink what I’m calling it, is it a van or a motor home? From now on I’ll be calling it a van, so come and check it out.
I’ve just finished a couple of months working on the grain harvest in W.A. and I wanted to make a post about it because when I searched online before I started there, I couldn’t find any information about what I’d be doing. It seems that no one talks about it online, but I will. Maybe no one can be bothered, but for someone traveling it’s a great way to make some money in a fairly short period of time if you’re willing to work hard.
I’ve been living in the Sprinter van for 6 months now, some of that time was on a trip north up near Broome, then heading south for the spring wildflowers but much of the time has been spent living around town in the burbs of Perth. Perhaps the longest period I’ve spent living in the one area while in a van, at least the longest period while free camping the whole time. Living in the one area is very different to travelling around, you start to have regular places you go for eating, toilets, showers and sleeping, while if you are travelling around every place is new.
OK, I just had a moment to work out how long I’ve been living in the troopy and it’s 7 months. That’s long enough to have worked out most systems and glitches for living day to day. I’ve been through a wide range of climates, from stinking hot in Darwin and Alice Springs through to freezing cold, wet conditions at Tingha and all weather in between.
I started this blog with the intention of helping others through talking about my experiences living permanently on the road travelling. Offering help and hints and tips to make life a little easier or less daunting for those thinking about making the change and becoming detached from the mortgage. Yet for the past few months it’s all been about walks, wildflowers, shells and nice camp spots. Perhaps it’s time to stray off that just for a minute and get back to a little about day to day life of living mobile.
The Munda Biddi Trail is a 1000km long mountain bike track from just outside Perth Western Australia, down to Albany on the south West of W.A. Munda Biddi means ‘forest path’ in Noongar language (local indigenous people) and it’s currently the longest such bike trail in the world.
We’ve all seen it before, the sign on the side of the road inviting you to come and buy some locally grown produce. Often in a days driving you’ll pass by signs offering a huge range of products, driving from where I am in Denmark across to Albany a distance of just over 50km I passed roadside stalls selling vegetables, assorted fruits, jams and preserves, eggs, honey, fresh flowers and olive oil.